Friday, September 29, 2006

Coddling Dictators, again.

Oh my!!!! It's hardly a wonder the U.S. has lost all credibility with the rest of the planet. Bush is currently having nice easy going talks with Kazakhstan's Thug-In-Chief President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Business as usual, despite the presidential proclamation in 2004: " Proclamation by the President: To Suspend Entry as Immigrants or Nonimmigrants of Persons Engaged in or Benefiting From Corruption". By the way, Kazakhstan has as much oil as Iran.... but this dictator is a nice US friendly dictator, who supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But a corrupt one nonetheless.

Successive US governments have always preferred interfacing with friendly, easily malleable dictators and thugs, rather than democracies which put PEOPLE first. With this administration, priority goes by default to multinational corporations, tinhorn dictators and organized crime syndicates.

Business as usual. Are we ever going to rewarded with "business not as usual", or have we become at one with the weasels?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

House Approves Warrantless Wiretaps Law

The bad guys who supposedly "hate America for our freedoms" just got a massive victory, handed to them by the House. Changing our laws and giving more absolute power to the federal government is acknowledging that "the terrorists are winning the war." In actuality, it is a rogue element within the U.S. military/government power structure that is the REAL terrorist syndicate.

But this group, who set the ball rolling with the 9/11 False Flag attack on America on behalf of the NeoCons, and then gave the excuse that were we attacked "because they hate our freedoms" were ironically correct; in passing all the anti-American measures that have happened since 9/11, now allowing Big Government to spy on citizens without a warrant, the NeoCons (as well as the weasel appeasers in the House and Senate) have proved that they really do hate America and its freedoms.

If a "terrorist group" can get America to change its laws, then they've won. A lapdog (i.e. WEAK) legislative branch, in cowering to the terrorists, has handed EVEN MORE power to the executive branch. Despite being at risk of invoking Godwin's Law here, one can safely say that the entire course of events since 9/11 is reminiscent of Germany in the 1930s.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the undoing of the Flying Toilet Terror Lab!

Just before the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the British Government came out with the discovery of a scheme whereby "terrorists could bring down planes in mid-air using explosives (TATP) manufactured in situ (on the plane) from common liquid household products smuggled on board". As a result, security was upped, liquids were banned from hand luggage, and we were all perpetually bombarded by the fearmongers of the corporate weasel-media appeaser brigade. It worked a treat for the "war on terror" scam, and "9/11-scare-consciousness" was brought to the fore once again.

Yesterday, the federal government suddenly relaxed the rules as regards the same liquids in carry-on baggage. My goodness, what happened here? Did the chemical properties of nail polish remover, toothpaste, shampoo and denture cleaner suddenly change, as if by federal decree, from being the harbinger of doom and destruction, to just mere household products again? Or is it because the date is now "post 9/11" and the authorities milked that item of political fear-capital to the greatest extent possible? Perhaps now, the inconvenience to passengers and airlines has registered, and been balanced against the known impossibility of making a bomb on board a plane using these products, enough to warrant this subtle relaxationof the rules.

This article tells it the way it is. Hilarious, and true. What a refreshing change.

Whatever happened, the threat was bogus to start, and by arbitrarily changing the rules for no apparent reason, they have all but admitted it.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Who's soft on real crime?

Andrew Fastow, former CFO of the Enron (Organized Crime) Empire has just been sentenced to 6 years in "jail". My liberal heart, it bleedeth all over. Fastow will no doubt be released from his presumably well-appointed "cell" within 2 years, (if President Bush doesn't pardon him sooner), and he will probably be at his old tricks all over again, this time with more knowledge in how to avoid breaking the 11th Commandment of big business corruption: "THOU SHALT NOT GET CAUGHT!"

Incidentally, most of the real damning evidence against these crooked friends of the Bush Administration (amongst many others) was housed in World Trade Center Building 7, which "collapsed" (read demolished?) at 5-30 pm, 9/1/2001. How very, very convenient.

Friday, September 22, 2006

9/11 deaths now equalled by US troops death

As usual, the Associated Press, a fully paid up member of the corporate media weasel brigade, tell lies in their "reporting". Jayson Blair should apply for a job.

Quote, from last paragraph: "In contrast, the United States had no imminent war intentions against anyone on Sept. 10, 2001. One bloody day later, it did".

Full article here:

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were planned well before 9/11, and units of the US military campaign to oust the Taliban were already in place, in the area, by August 2001. They were just waiting for the go ahead and "justification, which was 9/11.

More here:

Without 9/11, BushCorp and the Neocons would be dead in the water, marooned, a ship with no engine to power it, and no rudder to guide it. Their entire policy set, prewritten before 9/11, was wholly dependent upon those attacks being successful.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The U.N. at an impasse.

After the recent commentaries at the U.N. by President Bush, Iran's President Ahmadi Najad and Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez, it is plain that the U.N. is in trouble. It has been for years. Security Council Resolutions are arbitrarily enforced; for example, one small nation (which I shall not name) with a close relationship to the U.S. can flout some 5 decades of U.N. Resolutions with impunity. This kind of privilege is fuel for unrest, and is the antithesis of fair international relations. The planet does needs some kind of international body, but the current U.N. is out of date, and needs restructuring. Right now, it's a forum for the largest and most powerful nations to undermine stability, presumably with the aim of furthering aggression and war.

The world is run on the principles of capitalism, and war-making is one of mankind's most profitable enterprises. Always follow the money trail.

Humanity evolves very slowly; expect no changes anytime soon.


The U.N. is a fairweather friend to US conservatives. When the S.C. makes a "favorable decision", for example Resolution 1442 authorizing BushCorp to make a preemptive strike against a sovereign nation..., the enmity of the rightwing towards the U.N. was conveniently forgotten.

Now the black helicopters are swarming again.