Monday, December 26, 2011

Ron Paul: the only candidate worth voting for, so far...

Frum's commentary is typical corporate media weasel-talk. Anyone who the mainstream media regard as a "clear threat" to the current, terminally corrupt political establishment in America, must be worth voting for.

Any alternative to the Obama administration and its neocon directed obsession with a 'paranoid maximum security state', and trashing our Constitution, is not only most welcome, but essential for the survival of this nation.

Even though I am a liberal, Ron Paul will get my vote over all the establishment candidates

Saturday, December 24, 2011

As in the US, so in Russia...

The Russians now have a taste of what we Americans experienced in November of 2000, and 2004. Two fraudulent elections in which criminal elements allied to the Republican Party gained control of the vote in two crucial states. In 2000, Florida was ground zero, where 10s of thousands of black voters were systematically struck off the voter rolls by Database Technologies, a "front company".

In 2004, Ohio was election fraud central, where every method was used, including outside parties taking over the central tabulators via the phone lines, and physically swapping hard drives. The Russian people must remove the criminal elements within their government, by force if necessary, just like what we here in the US *SHOULD* have done early in 2001. By being complacent after the "Cheney Administration was sworn in, we failed our country, and look what happened on 9/11/2001 as a result.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Michele Bachmann hates Muslims

It's not just Bachmann who hates Muslims. Its the entire Washington DC establishment (and most of middle America) that hates Muslims. The hatred of Muslims (and Arabs) has been indoctrinated into the minds of mainstream America ever since the end of WWII.

If there is any discomfort re. Ron Paul's pointedly accurate statement, it would is that the little secret that nobody dared to discuss is now in the open. I don't particularly like Ron Paul's platform, but he is honest and straightforward, which is far more than can be said about *any* of the others, barring Gary Johnson.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Occupy. Wall. Street.

Occupy is not against free enterprise. It's against a system that rewards BANKSTERS AND CORPORATE CRIMINALS through entrenched cronyism, fraud, corruption, extortion, greed, usury, embezzlement, theft and blackmail. The perps know they can keep doing it because nobody in authority has the will to stop it... because the people in authority are rewarded by the same, evil ,status quo. 1776 will have its day, again.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Banksters... I shit 'em.

When loans are doled out by pimps and thieves with extortionate interest rates and demands with menaces attached... IT IS RIGHT TO DEFAULT. Repayment would only encourage the psychopaths in the financial world to more criminal activity. The Greeks MUST adopt a zero tolerance attitude towards the banksters and financial crime cartels.

A busted system attracts "busted people", in other words, leeches and predators who have privileged access, and take advantage of such a busted system to screw others and enrich themselves.

We have to remember that, most of the big money is "made" by moving money around. Each maneuver accrues interest, thus devaluing currencies and causing inflation. *Interest* is problem, combined with the presence of a disproportionate number of psychopaths in the banking sector.

I don't like Sharia Law as a system (neither does anyone I know), but with interest-free finance, the Muslims have one over we in the West. Sharia Law as regards Islamic banking is working relatively well, and they have not been susceptible to the insane Ponzi type schemes and derivative scams which have caused so much trouble with *our* banks.

Thomas Edison said that "interest is the invention of Satan". The revered inventor who contributed so much to humanity and modern life undoubtedly had to deal with banker parasites who are very adept at making money while contributing nothing to the world.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Wall St. protests continued....

This is not so much an "anti-capitalist" protest, but to draw attention to getting Wall St. and the banking industry to abide by the law, and to get the laws governing the banking and finance sectors policed, just for a change. Is that such a tall order?

If we, as members of society, have to follow the law, then why are the Wall Streeters largely exempt? Why do so many Americans, especially those on the right wing - who are constantly trumpeting about "getting tough on crime" - remain mute on this issue, or even openly supporting the banksters and corporate parasites?

Do people honestly feel that the financial sector has the right to extort, defraud, rob and pillage without penalty? In a sane world, the answer is a big round NO! But the world today is an asylum, and the inmates are in control.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Michael Moore at Wall St.

Love him or hate him, Michael Moore is a self-made American, who made his money on creative effort and hard work. In other words, he is living the so-called "American Dream". He may be fat and unshaven, but he's not a criminal.

Many of the wealthiest on Wall St. made their money via being in positions of privilege, insider trading, convoluted accounting scams, and financial parasitism (pushing money around to make money)

The difference between Michael Moore and the Wall Street crew, is that the former makes real money from a tangible product, and the latter makes fake money out of thin air.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

That errant satellite.....

The government has satellites which can "read newsprint from geostationary orbit", but cant locate and track an object the size of a school bus, re-entering the atmosphere in a fiery blast visible to the naked eye? Gimme a frackin' break!

Coming to you from the same media that told us of the "rescue" of Jessica Lynch, the "dead incubator babies" in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein's ability to attack the US with miniature airborne drones loaded with sarin gas, and the miraculous ability for random office fires to collapse buildings at free fall acceleration for the first time in history.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Hikers" released by Iran...

This is one of the most LENIENT treatments for espionage I can recall. Hikers, my a$$! Why would three US citizens travel half way across the world, to go "hiking" in an unfriendly nation when there are so many wonderful, beautiful and challenging places in the US to hike without being harassed?

Now, imagine the situation in reverse... three Iranians illegally in the US, apparently "hiking"? Gitmo, held without charge for years, no access to counsel, branded as terrorists in the corporate media, tortured, and then, 10 years later, still in solitary, no charges, no legal counsel, torture and still branded as terrorists.

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Lockerbie "bomber" near death.

al Megrahi's trial was one of the worst travesties of justice in Scottish history. It is so plain that this guy was railroaded and the case was rigged. All the evidence against him is either hearsay or has since been roundly debunked.

The mandate from both US and UK governments was "get someone, get anyone", as long as he has an Arabic name, invoke phony "national security" language to restrict information and evidence in court, and the supine, cowardly corporate media will play along and write history, diverting attention away from the real perpetrators, the identities of whom REMAINS UNKNOWN.

The worrying part of this stinking case, is that the bomber or bombers, are probably still be on the loose. Who knows what they may have done since Lockerbie, and how many people have been killed? It could be in the thousands, and not necessarily in either Europe, Africa or the Middle East.

Enough of the wacky Libyan conspiracy theories. Infantile baby-formula bull-buscuits for the gullible masses in their comfort zone bubbles.

"A lie can make its way half way around the world before the truth has got its boots on". Mark Twain.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Banksters: the real looters

It's so easy to criticize looters who ripped off some electronics and tennis shoes... they are common criminals, and should get dealt with severely by the courts.
However.. put it into perspective: We seem to be blissfully unaware of the biggest looting spree in human history - the wholesale rape, pillage and ransacking, of TRILLIONS of dollars, from the taxpayers of western nations by the international banksters and corporate Wall Street insider elites, in 2008 and 2009, and continuing to this day... these guys do it just because they can, and can threaten politicians. It's just a big game in the fevered, sociopathic minds of those scum, and the losers are the ordinary taxpayers. These super-criminals are above and beyond the reach of the law... they do golf and dinner parties with favored lawmakers.
In the light of the real mega-crime wave of the millennium, the sense of proportion and priority appears wildly out of whack.

Sunday, July 31, 2011


To anyone complaining about taxation: think about where 60%+ of your tax dollars go: The Pentagon and the humingous corporate welfare black hole that is “defense” spending. The corruption and scamming that is the Pentagon’s budgetary (mis)management is a conman’s wet dream.

On the afternoon of September 10, 2001, Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced in a US Senate hearing that the Pentagon was “cannot account for $2.3 Trillion in transactions….”. For the mathematically challenged, that’s $2.3 Trillion, or $2,300 Billion, or $2,300,000,000,000. If you spent $1 million each day (imagine that!), for the next 6,300 YEARS, that would pretty much cover this missing money, pilfered from the US taxpayers in recent years.

So, what happened as a result of what was arguably the biggest rip-off in human history? SQUAT…. everyone was too stunned and busy, in a state of shock and awe, flying flags and pretending to be “patriotic”, to do anything: the 9/11 attacks happened on the following morning. And the thieves were never brought to justice.

Talk about going soft on crime!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Norwegian terrorist: an ardent supporter of Zionism.

Breivik got much of his “inspiration” and hatred from the likes of prominent Islamophobes Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz, and the political philosophy of the neoconservative cartel which stacked the 2001 Bush Administration, whose members admittedly “craved an event like 9/11″ to get their otherwise unsellable “endless war” agenda up and running.

Whether there is a “mass movement” as described by Ledeen in the above article is immaterial: many innocent people were murdered in cold blood for doing nothing worse than becoming politically aware of a terminally unjust and perpetually horrific situation in Gaza, and showing moral support for this unfortunate population under heavy manners.

Monday, June 20, 2011

The new yellow journalism: Goebbels would be proud

Much of what we hear in the corporate media, as regards controversial events for example, war and terrorist events, is single sourced, for example, a particular government spokesman, or a particular government agency. The Iraq war of 2003, and the 9/11/2001 terror attacks were prime examples.

In the case of the Iraq war, the entire corporate media took government pronouncements on Saddam Hussein's alleged "weapons of mass destruction" as a religious truth which cannot be denied. All the networks featured an endless procession of self-proclaimed experts and pundits, retired colonels and generals, defense analysts, Pentagon officials, White House propagandists, politicians on both "sides" of the aisle, defense sector spokespeople and more, all touting material that was known to be 100% false. What was even worse, is that the actuality of Iraq's 100% lack of WMDs, was already known by everyone in the relevant circles of those promoting the war. Philip Zelikow even admitted such, when asked about the reasoning behind choosing "WMDs" as the rationale for invasion: making a case for WMDs was the best option to achieve consensus. The story put forward by the man known as "Curve Ball" was known to be false, and he was known to be an unreliable witness with criminal tendencies. The Iraq war was largely "justified" and started on the basis of this one story, known to be false, from one person: A single, dishonest source, and the corporate media, in true Goebbels-wannabe obedience, regurgitated it in lockstep. 4500 American soldiers and 500,000+ Iraqi civilians were killed, and defense contractors made a killing, and the American people paid $1.2 trillion as a result this stack of corporate-media/government single sourced garbage.

As regards news from the Middle East in general, even many of the translations are being single sourced: MEMRI is the organization used by the US corporate media to translate most of what we hear from the region, from Arabic or Farsi or other language/dialect, to English. MEMRI, as has become well-known, has a very checkered history as regards accuracy, and an intent to fool or mislead readers.

Just as controversially, as regards 9/11, what we have all heard, and led to believe as the infallible truth, is as a result of the long, protracted, and detailed phone calls, allegedly sent from passengers about the alleged hijackers, most especially the infamous call to former Solicitor General Ted Olson from his wife Barbara, who was allegedly on AA Flight 77 when it allegedly hit the Pentagon. However, according to the FBI (referencing the case transcript in the trial of the alleged 20th hijacker Zararias Moussouai), *zero* cell phone calls were connected from Flight 77, and specifically, none as regards the case of Barbara and Ted Olson. Furthermore, according to a study of cellphone connectivity from the air by a certain Professor A. K. Dewdney, it was highly unlikely that any of the alleged phone calls could have been successfully connected as alleged, since the technology to do just that did not exist in 2001. The first reliable "in-air cellphone technology" was demonstrated by Qualcomm in 2004, a full three years later.

In other words, the entire backbone of the version of events on 9/11, relayed to us via the corporate media is not just single sourced, but also hearsay. It appears that we tend to give credence to versions of events that fit our comfort zone, and the art of not just journalism, but also how we write history is being poisoned for the sake of convenience, or worse. The corporate media, in the mandate to appear superficially 'patriotic'... a government lapdog as opposed to watchdog.... appears to have become no more reliable than a very well sponsored and far reaching blogger.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fukushima news blackout

The cessation of coverage of the Japan catastrophe is most likely as a result of the lobbying power of the defense and nuclear power industry: the nuclear disaster at Fukushima is already likely to have caused that 35% spike in infant mortality in the Pacific Northwest, since the anomaly started a week or so after the radiation plume spread across the area.

The nuclear power industry, in the US at least,primarily exists not for the civilian infrastructure and generating power, but for the manufacture of atomic weapons: the very bad PR generated by the Fukushima multiple meltdowns, and the Chernobyl scale radioactive pollution would have been disastrous for the US (and worldwide) nuclear industry, and could have faced major funding hurdles, that is, had the media covered the story to the extent that was justified.

Since the US mainstream media is owned by the same corporate cartels that benefit from warmongering, (such as General Electric etc etc) it's hardly a surprise that coverage was strictly censored after 2 weeks or so.