The London Olympics to be guarded by surface to air missile batteries? Is the world going completely crazy? Are we now in a Chantix like twilight zone where reality and nightmares co-mingle?
Let us never forget that Hitler also played on public fear of terrorists to gain, and maintain power. In 1933, his Nazi thugs set fire to the German Reichstag parliament building in a classic false flag terror attack, blamed "communists", and that was the beginning of the end. Hitler suspended the German Constitution, and assumed dictatorial powers, and the German public didn't dare speak out, for fear of being branded as "unpatriotic" and "giving in to the enemy". We know what happened in the following years....
The Nazi war machine was funded by many well connected wealthy Americans, including the Bush and Harriman families... who were fervent believers in the pseudoscience of Eugenics, which Hitler has studied in formulating his Aryan master-race plan. Prescott Bush (W's granddad) was even busted twice under the Trading With The Enemy Act for doing major financial deals with Nazi Germany....
On September 11, 2001..... Yes, we know what happened in the following years.
The acorn doesn't land far from the oak.
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