Thursday, March 07, 2013

Hugo Chavez: probably a victim of weaponized cancer?

Recently deceased Hugo Chavez is the *SIXTH* socialist leader of Latin American nations to have contracted cancer in a period of just 2 or 3 years. For two such incidents in that time span, it would be rational to dismiss as "coincidence"; 3 such similar deaths, however, would be a 'bizarre' coincidence, 4 would be coincidence well beyond rational expectation, 5 starts to look like foul play, and 6 indicates "an extreme likelihood of foul play". This is being over-generous towards an assumption of "coincidental natural causes".

It has already been established that Yasser Arafat, after his body was exhumed by French authorities, may have died from being poisoned; traces of highly toxic and radioactive polonium were analyzed in his bones. As I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am not blaming any particular party for the deaths of these people, but when trying to shed light on such events, one should always look towards *MOTIVATION*... ie who *wanted* these political leaders out of the way?