Monday, May 21, 2012

Airport security "full of holes", and "al Qaeda" doesn't give a shit

Despite the "lax" security at airports, the only "terrorists" targeting these facilities are naive kids, entrapped by the FBI (and probably drugged) or patsies. Easy, completely non-secured targets are being ignored by the "terrorists" as well.
To justify a "war against terrorism", there have to be regular terrorist events to focus the pubic attention on such. Since they are not happening, even on "soft" targets, then the government and law enforcement have to MANUFACTURE and FABRICATE events.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

President Cheney ....

LMAO! In these dark times, a little humor is a good remedy, for short lived relief. This little sketch on Saturday Night Live is a real case of a "truthful word being uttered in jest".

President Cheney indeed. The man who held Dubya's hand when the 9/11 "Commission" asked a couple of prescreened, softball "questions". The man who lied about his movements and whereabouts to the 9/11 "Commission", on the morning on 9/11/2001. The man who ordered the EPA to censor the dangers posed by the toxic dust from the World Trade Center. The man who ordered the alteration of the FAA-NORAD-USAF scramble-intercept protocol (June 1, 2001), to make sure that the hijacked planes
were not challenged by US air defenses on 9/11 (the original protocol was restored on 9/12/2001). The man who refused to serve in the US military in Vietnam FOUR TIMES, because Cheney, the privileged chickenhawk, had "other priorities".

Cheney is the worst traitor the US has seen since Prescott Bush (President George W. Bush's granddad) - who was busted twice under the
Trading with the Enemy Act for doing big business with his buddies in Nazi Germany.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

The Sham Trial of the Century

This is no trial. This is a kangaroo court, the likes of which Idi Amin or any tin-can dictator or thug would be "proud".
The "evidence" that is to be presented against KSM at the Guantanamo Bay "trial" has been extracted using torture, which disqualifies it from being presented in a proper court hearing... hence the government's insistence of the euphemistically described "military tribunal" in a foreign nation. This trial is characterized by secrecy, the abandonment of the legal process, the presentation of "evidence" with no proper chain of custody, and the blanket excuse by the state of "national security" (?/!!) to prevent a civilized legal hearing.
If KSM's trial was to have been conducted in a proper courtroom, the defense could have raised all manner of very difficult questions, and cross examined the prosecution on a number of fundamental aspects of 9/11 in which KSM could not possibly have played a part, that is, unless he was intimately connected with senior personnel at the Pentagon (right up to the Joint Chiefs of Staff), and with top security clearance and privileged access.
It was KSM's "confessions" under torture that formed the backbone of that other sham, dry-labbed pile of horse manure known as the 9/11 Commission Report. Around here, we all know what the majority of Commission members have said publicly about their own "inquiry", including such descriptions as "a pack of lies", "set up to fail", "underfunded", "put under severe time constraints", a"scandal", etc etc... and since it was largely based on what KSM blurted out in a prison cell while being water-boarded up to 180 times in one month...
And the corporate media, in true Goebbels or Baghdad Bob fashion, are reporting this drivel as if it conforms to reality.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Nugent explodes!

What a shame that the interviewer Jeff Glor failed to mention Nugent's inglorious past:

Ted Nugent has displayed cowardice of the worst order. He is one of those filthy traitors and hypocrites who advocate sending people to war, as long as his neck isn't on the line. 

He weaseled out of serving his country in Vietnam by pooping his pants, pretending to have a medical problem. Nugent is a First Order Chicken Hawk, complete with "Distinguished Fleeing Cross", and joins the Hall of Shame - alongside Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz and a large roster of well placed influential, wealthy, privileged, yellowlivered cowards who actively avoided serving their country. Many in the Chicken Hawk Hall of Shame were the architects of, and the most prominent supporters of, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars for corporate welfare.

Nugent should keep his anti-American trap shut and play his guitar. On seconds thoughts, don't bother with the guitar either.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Larry Silverstein, accessory before the fact to terror

My heart bleeds for Larry Silverstein, Bernie Madoff's buddyboy.

Larry Silverstein bought the lease on the World Trade Center from the Port Authority of New York shortly before the attacks. The buildings were in violation of NYC codes and it was estimated that the mandated asbestos removal/treatment from the seven buildings in the complex would have cost several $hundreds of millions. Many of the offices in the Twin Towers were vacant and the entire complex was losing money. Then he insured each building against separate terrorist attacks some 6 weeks prior to the attacks.

When asked as to why he bought the lease on the site, he said "it felt like the right thing to do". (?/!!)

If *I* had a business which was failing, which had several premises, then I insured each premises against arson attacks, and each building was burned to the ground shortly afterwards, I think the FBI would be quite interested, to say the least. Lucky Larry never was the subject of any inquiry; he is too well connected. He "Madoff" with some $4.5 billion in insurance money, no questions asked.

Imagine if the lease owner had been an Arab?

Oh my. One can't even go there.