Monday, December 26, 2011

Ron Paul: the only candidate worth voting for, so far...

Frum's commentary is typical corporate media weasel-talk. Anyone who the mainstream media regard as a "clear threat" to the current, terminally corrupt political establishment in America, must be worth voting for.

Any alternative to the Obama administration and its neocon directed obsession with a 'paranoid maximum security state', and trashing our Constitution, is not only most welcome, but essential for the survival of this nation.

Even though I am a liberal, Ron Paul will get my vote over all the establishment candidates

Saturday, December 24, 2011

As in the US, so in Russia...

The Russians now have a taste of what we Americans experienced in November of 2000, and 2004. Two fraudulent elections in which criminal elements allied to the Republican Party gained control of the vote in two crucial states. In 2000, Florida was ground zero, where 10s of thousands of black voters were systematically struck off the voter rolls by Database Technologies, a "front company".

In 2004, Ohio was election fraud central, where every method was used, including outside parties taking over the central tabulators via the phone lines, and physically swapping hard drives. The Russian people must remove the criminal elements within their government, by force if necessary, just like what we here in the US *SHOULD* have done early in 2001. By being complacent after the "Cheney Administration was sworn in, we failed our country, and look what happened on 9/11/2001 as a result.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Michele Bachmann hates Muslims

It's not just Bachmann who hates Muslims. Its the entire Washington DC establishment (and most of middle America) that hates Muslims. The hatred of Muslims (and Arabs) has been indoctrinated into the minds of mainstream America ever since the end of WWII.

If there is any discomfort re. Ron Paul's pointedly accurate statement, it would is that the little secret that nobody dared to discuss is now in the open. I don't particularly like Ron Paul's platform, but he is honest and straightforward, which is far more than can be said about *any* of the others, barring Gary Johnson.