Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Michael Moore at Wall St.

Love him or hate him, Michael Moore is a self-made American, who made his money on creative effort and hard work. In other words, he is living the so-called "American Dream". He may be fat and unshaven, but he's not a criminal.

Many of the wealthiest on Wall St. made their money via being in positions of privilege, insider trading, convoluted accounting scams, and financial parasitism (pushing money around to make money)

The difference between Michael Moore and the Wall Street crew, is that the former makes real money from a tangible product, and the latter makes fake money out of thin air.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

That errant satellite.....

The government has satellites which can "read newsprint from geostationary orbit", but cant locate and track an object the size of a school bus, re-entering the atmosphere in a fiery blast visible to the naked eye? Gimme a frackin' break!

Coming to you from the same media that told us of the "rescue" of Jessica Lynch, the "dead incubator babies" in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein's ability to attack the US with miniature airborne drones loaded with sarin gas, and the miraculous ability for random office fires to collapse buildings at free fall acceleration for the first time in history.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

"Hikers" released by Iran...

This is one of the most LENIENT treatments for espionage I can recall. Hikers, my a$$! Why would three US citizens travel half way across the world, to go "hiking" in an unfriendly nation when there are so many wonderful, beautiful and challenging places in the US to hike without being harassed?

Now, imagine the situation in reverse... three Iranians illegally in the US, apparently "hiking"? Gitmo, held without charge for years, no access to counsel, branded as terrorists in the corporate media, tortured, and then, 10 years later, still in solitary, no charges, no legal counsel, torture and still branded as terrorists.