Sunday, July 31, 2011


To anyone complaining about taxation: think about where 60%+ of your tax dollars go: The Pentagon and the humingous corporate welfare black hole that is “defense” spending. The corruption and scamming that is the Pentagon’s budgetary (mis)management is a conman’s wet dream.

On the afternoon of September 10, 2001, Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announced in a US Senate hearing that the Pentagon was “cannot account for $2.3 Trillion in transactions….”. For the mathematically challenged, that’s $2.3 Trillion, or $2,300 Billion, or $2,300,000,000,000. If you spent $1 million each day (imagine that!), for the next 6,300 YEARS, that would pretty much cover this missing money, pilfered from the US taxpayers in recent years.

So, what happened as a result of what was arguably the biggest rip-off in human history? SQUAT…. everyone was too stunned and busy, in a state of shock and awe, flying flags and pretending to be “patriotic”, to do anything: the 9/11 attacks happened on the following morning. And the thieves were never brought to justice.

Talk about going soft on crime!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Norwegian terrorist: an ardent supporter of Zionism.

Breivik got much of his “inspiration” and hatred from the likes of prominent Islamophobes Daniel Pipes and David Horowitz, and the political philosophy of the neoconservative cartel which stacked the 2001 Bush Administration, whose members admittedly “craved an event like 9/11″ to get their otherwise unsellable “endless war” agenda up and running.

Whether there is a “mass movement” as described by Ledeen in the above article is immaterial: many innocent people were murdered in cold blood for doing nothing worse than becoming politically aware of a terminally unjust and perpetually horrific situation in Gaza, and showing moral support for this unfortunate population under heavy manners.